Pain Lasers and Love Lasers

In graduate school, I became an expert on lasers, devices that produce intense beams of exceptionally pure light. So, it’s only natural that I sometimes use lasers as metaphors for how our minds work. I find the metaphor useful in…

When NVC “Doesn’t Work”

“NVC doesn’t work. No matter what I say, people still won’t behave the way I want them to.” I imagine that words like these might spring from a deep longing for more satisfying relationships, and a wish for the power…

Avoiding the Judgment Trap

Recently, someone said to me, “I hear that when people really get into NVC they become judgmental about other people’s language.” Unfortunately, this concern reflects a trap that students of NVC do often fall into. When we realize how satisfying…

Restorative Families Network

Restorative Circles (RC) are often thought of as a system for addressing conflict in large institutions, such as the criminal justice system, or in schools. Yet, I am coming to appreciate the value of RC in more small-scale contexts, such…

Roles of the Four Components of NVC

NVC suggests that we be aware of, and focus our communication on, four components: Observation, Feeling, Need, and Request (or OFNR). Likely you know that. But do you know why these are the four components, what the function of each…

NVC Consciousness

Our way of being — the intentions, attitudes, and quality of the energy that we bring to an interaction — is more important than the particular words we choose to speak. The heart of Nonviolent Communication is not about speaking…

Notes from Arizona

I just returned from my fourth week-long retreat with Robert Gonzales, who I regard as a pioneer in illuminating the spiritual underpinnings of NVC. I experienced the latest retreat as rich in learning and personal growth. Here, I’d like to…

Suffering is Optional

“Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.” The accuracy of this truism with ancient roots depends on how one defines “suffering.” I find it useful to think of “suffering” as meaning “the distress that flows from from my attitude toward…