Category General

Of general interest

Trauma and Conversation

By Bob Wentworth – First published Feb. 16, 2021. Last revised: June 6, 2022 What is psychological trauma? Trauma – A persistent change in a person’s nervous system that occurs when profound challenges to survival or well-being overcome the person’s…

Patterns that Perpetuate Conflict (Part 1)

[Not long ago, I told some friends that I perceived patterns of interaction being active which seemed to stimulate and perpetuate “vortices of conflict” which continue without resolution. They asked me to offer details. What follows is my response to…

Independence vs. Interdependence in NVC

I’d like to share something that might help illuminate one aspect of some differences in views that I’ve been sensing in the NVC network. I have hope that this might also contribute to people’s journeys of learning and practicing NVC.…

Awareness of marginalization can support connection

Practicing Nonviolent Communication (NVC) generally helps us connect to people instead of alienating them. Yet, as valuable as the insights of NVC are, without additional awareness, it’s still quite possible to inadvertently alienate, particularly when we speak to people who…

What Focusing is and why it is useful

Human beings generally want to enjoy life and not suffer. Many traditions agree that these outcomes depend on how we relate to what we experience. “Focusing” is the name that philosopher Eugene Gendlin gave to an innate human capacity for…

Relating to harsh voices inside us

[This essay originated as an answer to a question on the website While the questioner’s experience might seem unusual in some ways, the phenomenon is one that relates to how most people function. Addressing our inner voices is both…