Bob Wentworth

Bob Wentworth

Nonviolent Communication Model

Modes of Communication Nonviolent Communication highlights three modes of communication: honest self-expression, empathic listening, and empathic self-connection. At the heart of everything is empathic self-connection. This is about connecting to what feels alive in us, about what we value. Self-connection…

Becoming Aware of Shoulds

“So, is that for people who have anger management problems?” It’s a question I often hear when I tell people I teach Nonviolent Communication (NVC). There are a lot of ways to respond to that question. One approach I like…

Clarity Around Feelings

I am excited as I start this note, because I’d like to offer an idea I hope you’ll find helpful. I’m also nervous, because I want to find a way to express myself clearly. Expressing our emotions can make our…

Changing the Way We See Others

I believe one problem may be the key to all the world’s other problems: We to divide the world into Us and Them. They are less than fully human, so transparently stupid or evil or simply incomprehensible that we need…

Parenting and NVC

Parents dream of family harmony, cooperative, well-behaved children poised to thrive in life, and warm, loving relationships. Yet, in most families, power struggles and conflict often seem to get in the way of fully realizing this ideal. Given that Nonviolent…